How to work with Redis in Python

Redis is an in-memory data structure store that can be used as a database, cache, and message broker. It is often used in web applications for tasks such as session management, caching, and queuing. In this post, we will go over the basics of how to work with Redis in Python.


To get started with Redis in Python, you need to have Redis installed on your system. You can download Redis from the official website: Once Redis is installed, you can install the Redis Python library using pip:

pip install redis

Connecting to Redis

To connect to a Redis server, you need to create an instance of the Redis class from the redis module. You can specify the host and port of the Redis server as arguments to the Redis constructor:

import redis

r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)

This creates a new Redis client that is connected to a Redis server running on the localhost at port 6379.

Working with Keys

In Redis, data is stored as key-value pairs. You can use the Redis client to set, get, and delete keys.

# Set a key
r.set('foo', 'bar')

# Get a key
value = r.get('foo')
print(value)  # b'bar'

# Delete a key

In this example, we set the value of the key foo to bar, retrieve the value of the key foo, and delete the key foo.

Working with Hashes

In Redis, a hash is a collection of key-value pairs. You can use hashes to store and retrieve data for a specific object.

# Set a hash value
r.hset('user:1', 'name', 'Alice')
r.hset('user:1', 'age', 30)

# Get a hash value
name = r.hget('user:1', 'name')
age = r.hget('user:1', 'age')
print(name, age)  # b'Alice' b'30'

# Get all hash values
values = r.hgetall('user:1')
print(values)  # {b'name': b'Alice', b'age': b'30'}

In this example, we set the values of the hash user:1 to Alice and 30, retrieve the values of the hash user:1, and get all values of the hash user:1.

Working with Lists

In Redis, a list is a collection of ordered elements. You can use lists to implement a queue or a stack.

# Push elements to a list
r.lpush('queue', 'task1')
r.lpush('queue', 'task2')
r.lpush('queue', 'task3')

# Pop elements from a list
task = r.rpop('queue')
print(task)  # b'task1'

In this example, we push three elements to a list queue and pop one element from the list queue.

Working with Sets

In Redis, a set is a collection of unique elements. You can use sets to store unique items.

# Add elements to a set
r.sadd('fruits', 'apple')
r.sadd('fruits', 'banana')
r.sadd('fruits', 'orange')

# Check if an element exists in a set
print(r.sismember('fruits', 'apple'))  # True

# Get all elements in a set
elements = r.smembers('fruits')
print(elements)  # {b'banana', b'orange', b'apple'}

In this example, we add three elements to a set fruits, check if an element exists in the set fruits, and get all elements of the set fruits.

Working with Pub/Sub

In Redis, Pub/Sub is a messaging system that allows communication between different parts of an application. You can use Pub/Sub to send and receive messages between different processes or even different applications.

# Create a Redis pub/sub client
pubsub = r.pubsub()

# Subscribe to a channel

# Publish a message to the channel
r.publish('channel1', 'Hello, world!')

# Get the message from the channel
message = pubsub.get_message()
print(message)  # {'channel': b'channel1', 'data': b'Hello, world!', 'pattern': None, 'type': 'message'}

In this example, we create a Redis pub/sub client, subscribe to a channel channel1, publish a message to the channel channel1, and get the message from the channel channel1.


In this post, we went over the basics of how to work with Redis in Python. We covered how to connect to a Redis server, work with keys, hashes, lists, sets, and Pub/Sub. Redis is a powerful tool for caching, message queuing, and session management, and it is widely used in web applications. With the Redis Python library, it is easy to integrate Redis into your Python applications.

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