Creating a Simple Web Scraper with Python and BeautifulSoup

In this guide, we will create a simple web scraper using Python and BeautifulSoup to extract information from a webpage. This web scraper will fetch the top headlines from the homepage of a news website and print them to the console.


  • Basic understanding of Python
  • Python 3.x installed
  • Internet connection

Step 1: Install necessary libraries

We will use the following Python libraries for this project:

  • requests: For making HTTP requests.
  • beautifulsoup4: For parsing HTML and extracting data.

Install these libraries using pip:

pip install requests beautifulsoup4

Step 2: Make an HTTP request to the target website

Create a new Python file called In this file, we’ll start by importing the necessary libraries and making an HTTP request to the target website:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url = ''
response = requests.get(url)


Replace '' with the URL of the news website you want to scrape. Running this script will print the HTML content of the webpage to the console.

Step 3: Parse the HTML content with BeautifulSoup

Next, we’ll use BeautifulSoup to parse the HTML content and extract the information we need. In this example, we’ll extract the headlines of the top stories:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url = ''
response = requests.get(url)

soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')

headlines = soup.find_all('h2', class_='headline')

for headline in headlines:

In this script, we create a BeautifulSoup object called soup by passing the HTML content of the webpage and the parser 'html.parser'. Then, we use the find_all() method to find all h2 elements with the class 'headline' (replace this class name with the appropriate class name from your target website). Finally, we iterate through the headlines list and print the text content of each headline.

Note: You’ll need to inspect the HTML structure of your target website to determine the appropriate tag name (in this example, h2) and class name (in this example, 'headline') for the headlines. You can do this using your web browser’s developer tools.

Step 4: Run the web scraper

Run the script:


The script will print the top headlines from the target news website to the console.

This is a basic example of creating a web scraper with Python and BeautifulSoup. You can expand on this concept by extracting more information from the webpage, such as article summaries, authors, or publication dates. You could also save the extracted data to a file or database, or even create a script that runs periodically to keep the data up-to-date.

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