How to work with threads in Python

Introduction to Threads

In Python, a thread is a lightweight process that can run in the background, concurrently with other threads. Threads are useful when you have long-running tasks that could potentially block other processes from running. By using threads, you can run multiple tasks simultaneously, which can greatly improve the performance of your application.

Creating a Thread

To create a thread in Python, you need to import the threading module. The threading.Thread() class can then be used to create a new thread. Here’s an example:

import threading

def my_thread_function():
    print("Starting my thread...")
    # Do some work here
    print("Ending my thread...")

my_thread = threading.Thread(target=my_thread_function)

In this example, we define a function my_thread_function() which is the function that will run in the thread. We then create a new thread object my_thread by calling threading.Thread() and passing in the target function as an argument. We then start the thread by calling my_thread.start(). This will execute the my_thread_function() function in a new thread.

Passing Arguments to a Thread

If you need to pass arguments to the function that will run in the thread, you can do so by passing them as additional arguments to the threading.Thread() constructor. Here’s an example:

import threading

def my_thread_function(name):
    print(f"Starting my thread with name {name}...")
    # Do some work here
    print("Ending my thread...")

my_thread = threading.Thread(target=my_thread_function, args=("my_name",))

In this example, we’ve added a name parameter to the my_thread_function() function. We then pass the value "my_name" as an argument to the threading.Thread() constructor using the args parameter.

Joining a Thread

By default, when you create a new thread, the main thread will continue to run even if the new thread has not finished executing. If you want the main thread to wait for the new thread to finish before continuing, you can use the join() method. Here’s an example:

import threading

def my_thread_function():
    print("Starting my thread...")
    # Do some work here
    print("Ending my thread...")

my_thread = threading.Thread(target=my_thread_function)

# Wait for the thread to finish before continuing

print("All threads have finished.")

In this example, we call my_thread.join() to wait for the new thread to finish before continuing with the main thread.

Using Locks

If you have multiple threads accessing a shared resource, you may run into issues where one thread tries to access the resource while another thread is already using it. To prevent this, you can use a lock to ensure that only one thread can access the resource at a time. Here’s an example:

import threading

shared_resource = 0
lock = threading.Lock()

def my_thread_function():
    global shared_resource
    print("Starting my thread...")
    # Access the shared resource here
    shared_resource += 1
    print(f"Shared resource is now {shared_resource}")
    print("Ending my thread...")

my_thread1 = threading.Thread(target=my_thread_function)
my_thread2 = threading.Thread(target=my_thread_function)

In this example, we have a shared resource

called shared_resource which is a global variable. We also have a lock object which we can use to ensure that only one thread can access the shared_resource at a time.

Inside the my_thread_function(), we first acquire the lock by calling lock.acquire(). This ensures that no other thread can access the shared resource while we’re using it. We then access the shared resource (in this case, we increment it by 1), print out its new value, and release the lock by calling lock.release().

Finally, we create two threads my_thread1 and my_thread2, and start them both. Because the two threads are accessing the same shared resource, we use the lock object to ensure that only one thread can access the resource at a time.

Using Queues

Another useful tool for working with threads in Python is the queue module. Queues are a way to store a collection of items that can be accessed by multiple threads. One thread can add items to the queue, while another thread can remove items from the queue. Here’s an example:

import threading
import queue

q = queue.Queue()

def producer():
    for i in range(5):
        print(f"Produced {i}")
    q.put(None)  # Signal the consumer to stop

def consumer():
    while True:
        item = q.get()
        if item is None:
        print(f"Consumed {item}")

my_producer_thread = threading.Thread(target=producer)
my_consumer_thread = threading.Thread(target=consumer)



print("All threads have finished.")

In this example, we create a queue object q and define two functions: producer() and consumer(). The producer() function adds items to the queue by calling q.put(), while the consumer() function removes items from the queue by calling q.get().

We then create two threads my_producer_thread and my_consumer_thread, and start them both. The producer() thread will add items to the queue, while the consumer() thread will remove items from the queue. We use None as a sentinel value to signal the consumer() thread to stop.

Finally, we call join() on both threads to wait for them to finish before printing out a message to indicate that all threads have finished.


In this post, we’ve covered the basics of working with threads in Python. We’ve seen how to create a new thread, pass arguments to a thread, join a thread, use locks to synchronize access to shared resources, and use queues to communicate between threads. By using threads effectively, you can greatly improve the performance of your Python applications.

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